This Just In...
to Make Himself a Household Name...
God Says He Already Has His Reward!
Gordon Klingenschmitt continues his never-ending propaganda efforts to justify his illegal actions. He accuses others of religious persecution to excuse his own misconduct and criminal activities.
"He had delusions of adequacy: The Chaplain Career of Gordon Klingenschmitt"
"When it Really Isn't About Praying: How Gordon Klingenschmitt Gets God Blamed for His Sins"
"I never exaggerate. I just remember big: My Impact on Keeping the Right to Pray in Jesus Name."
"Rosa Parks, Ghandi and Me: Gordon Klingenschmitt Explores the Virtue of Civil Disobedience"
"Interpreting Naval Instructions: The Hermeneutics of Making them Say What You Believe they Should Say"
"Any Publicity is Good Publicity: Gordon Klingenschmitt Shares Secrets of How to Get the Press to Notice You for All the Wrong Reasons"
"How I Fell On My Sword for Jesus...And Missed! The Gordon Klingenschmitt Story"
"A Bridge Too Many: How A Former Navy Chaplain Burned Every Bridge Imaginable"
"The Silence of the Chaps: A Scriptural Guide to Testifying in Your Own Defense"
"Yes, they are out to Get You: The Story of Gordon Klingenschmitt"
"Maximized Stupidity--Gordon Klingenschmitt Gives His Tips on the Modern Day Messianic/Martyrdom Complex and How You Can Make It Work For You"
"And God Said: "Shut Up Gordon!": A Former Chaplain Explains His Defense at Court-Martial"
"Office Espionage: How to Keep Track of Everything You Boss and Co-Workers Say; More Uses For Hi-Tech Recording Gear"
"Homeless, Jobless and Clueless: the Gordon Klingenschmitt Story."
"I Said It. Fundamentalists Believe It. That Settles It!" Gordon Klingenschmitt Explains Truth as He Understands It
"The Art of Self Promotion: A Former Chaplain's Inside Secret Guide to Getting Noticed"
"Hooked On Arrogance, It Worked For Me! The Gordon Klingenschmitt Story"
"Be Your Own Publicist: A Former Navy Chaplain Shows You How"
"Gordon Klingenschmitt's White House Diet: 14 Days to a Slimmer Waistline and Slimmer Reputation"
"Life's Tough: It's Tougher if You're Klingenschmitt"
"Stupidiciary Atonement: Falling on Your Sword for No Good Reason to Benefit Others"
"The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Liability"
"10 Things I Hate About Lou: Gordon Klingenschmitt Lists His Top Complaints Against the Former Chief of Navy Chaplains"
"Secretary Rumsfeld Lied To Me and Other Abuses of the Executive Branch; A Former Chaplain Shares His Views of The Bush Administration"
"The Expert's Guide to Self-Isolation and Irrelevance -- The Gordon Klingenschmitt Story"
"25 Ways to Lose With People: How to Make Others Feel Like Crap and Hate Your Guts"
"6 Attitudes of Whiners: Essential Attitudes for Pissing Everybody Off"
"Boomerang: When It All Comes Back On You: A Former Chaplain Speaks Out"
"Chaps: The Authorized Pseudo Biography of a Real American Hero"
"A Guide To Conducting Non Pluralistic Memorial Services in a Pluralistic Setting"
"The Battle of Anzio: My Epic Struggle Against the Powers of Darkness"
"How to Be a Minister in a Protestant Denomination and Still Remain a Valid Roman Catholic Lay Leader: A Former Chaplain Shares His Secrets"
"How to Use the Book of Common Prayer to Conduct an Altar Call: Adapting Ancient Liturgies to Suit Your Needs"
"So that Others Might Pray in Jesus Name: A Chaplain's Sacrifice"
"Strategies for Changing Chaplaincy Endorsements: A Guide to Making this Work for You"
"A Parsing Guide to the UCMJ"
"Shipwreck, The Gordon Klingenschmitt Story -- A Modern Day Story of Presumption, Hubris, & Insolence"
"How To Persuade the World Through Giving It All Up For Nothing"
"The Gordon 'Chaps' Klingenschmitt Story: How My CMEO Failed Me."
"Norfolk 2007--GJK Sings The CMEO Blues"