Proudly Brought to You by: Sanctimonious Productions
The True Story of How a Real American Fraud Bombed Out of the Navy!
The True Story of How a Real American Fraud Bombed Out of the Navy!

The Rise & Fall of Gordon Klingenschmitt!
Starring Former Air Force Missile Officer, Defrocked Navy Chaplain, and Federally Convicted Criminal--Gordon Klingenschmitt (as Himself)
This is great! I can't wait for it to hit DVD.
I like what you are doing with this blog. It is really funny stuff. Too bad that the material for the humor was completely preventable. What is it you military people say--a self-inflicted wound? It is sad that Klingenschmitt just couldn't get along with people. That is the true story here, not persecution. Gordon Klingenschmitt just can't get along with anyone and then he blames it all on satan! I do like what you are doing on this blog, keep it up. It is always good to look at the lighter side of life.
I just found this blog. It is amazing at how dishonest this Klingenschmitt fellow has become. I remember him from the Chaplain's Basic Course. He had an agenda that was apparent even back then. He was a VERY difficult individual to say the least. It is sad that he has allowed himself to be used as a pawn by the extreme right in our nation. Personally, I am a conservative. However, after looking at the shrill antics of Gordon and his ultra-conservative nut-job friends, it makes me wonder. I thought that my fellow conservatives were interested in the truth. Evidently, there are many on the far right who will just as easily dispense with the truth as the far left. Gordon did not get court martialed for praying. He got court martialed for appearing at the anti-Navy rally in his Navy uniform! To say otherwise, is a complete lie. Gordon's problem is that Gordon is never satisfied unless he has someone with whom to fight. Never mind that no one was fighting with Gordon over praying in Jesus' Name. Gordon was going to fight nevertheless. His whole problem was that he was not very well formed spiritually. He was not comfortable in his new-found role as an Evangelical Episcopal minister (priest?). He never was a parish priest or a pastor of any kind. He was poorly prepared to minister to Sailors. I believe that he counted writing his self-published book and his internet webpage as a substitute for parish ministry. Why the Navy waived the mandatory two-year pastoral experience for him is a mystery. I'll bet that the Navy won't do that again.
How about the following suggested book titles?
Will Rogers Never Met Gordon Klingenschmitt (ok, it isn't completely original, but it does hit the mark)
How about this one?
Gordon Klinenschmitt Never Met A Man He Didn't Want To Fight With
I just completed a combat tour in Iraq. I can't believe how much of a liar this K is. You are right. He is a Real American Fraud.
I love how you have taken a very distasteful, hateful person and his shameless activities against the greatest Navy in the World and somehow found some humor in it. As Mary Poppins said, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." A little bit of humor like this helps this bitter pill know as Gordon Klingenschmitt go down as a very minor side note in history (he doesn't even deserve to be a footnote!) go into the sea of forgetfulness.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything.
Klingenschmitt should be ashamed of himself.
When does the movie come out? Will the lead be played by Jason Alexander? Serenity Now!
CDR Stephanus,
It is good to see that you are out and about again. For awhile there, I thought that you may have gone into retirement.
Gordo just simply can't keep from making up all sorts of idiotic statements. They would be entertaining...if the did not involve so many people that he has misled and hurt. It is really a shame. No wonder I picked "shamefulchaplain" for the blog URL.
Navy Chaps,
Dude, that Army chaplain of Klingenschmitt's denomination cut him to ribbons, that was just frigging amazing. Anyway, it is always amazing to read about this guy. I came back from Iraq this year as an IA and found out that most chaplains, even guys that are similar to his denomination are not anything like Klingenschmitt. I was talking to a chaplain about the Navy chaplain shortage and it is amazing that had Klingenschmitt just played by the rules he could still be on active duty and serving our troops in harms way.
Keep up the good work,
This is awful, you people are a disgrace to your uniform, you probably voted for Obama...traitors and unbelievers all of you.
Hey Real American Believer dude, screw you I served in combat. Call me a traitor you can go to hell, if I'm there I'll buy the beer.
Real American(?) Gordon,
Give it up Gordon. You are such a loser. Only the stupidest of people get convicted of wearing his Navy uniform to a political rally against the Navy! How absolutely stupid can you be?
What a great blog, this is hilarious!
You people are lucky that a unbeliever like Osama is taking over, his socialist and Godless ways will doom America and you'll get off scot free. I bet you people aren't even chaplins, probably a bunch of Atheists or unbelevers, if you are Chaplins you are sorry excuses for minsters. If a real Christian was the President and real Christians in control of Congress people like you wouldn't be allowed to post incendiary material like this bent on destroying a Godly man who was wrongfully punished by the Navy...I pray for real revival that sets people right and silences people like you forever.
G-d bless Chaplin Klingenschmitt and all true CHRISTIAN Americans.
Passter Bill,
I would hate to go to your church with all of your hatefulness. You sound a lot like Gordon Klinnnerman. I'll bet that you are really one of those sock puppet things they say that GK does when he wants to pretend like he is someone who supports his version of the truth and not a real minister.
I know that at least my chaplain is a real Christian who really preaches and prays in Jesus' Name. You don't even know how to spell God. That makes you dumber than a man who wears a Navy uniform to a protest against the Navy. I knew better than that even before I graduated from boot camp!
Hey Botany Bob!
I am with you. This blog is a hoot.
G-d, the real G-d and L-rd will judge you for your insolence. How dare you question my credentials as a minster of the TRUE G-d and his message of righteousness and judgment. Chaplain Klingenschmitt, may the L-rd bless him, is faithful, and if your chaplin was a REAL CHRISTIAN he would have supported this fine man of G-d. You don't know me from Adam and I'm sure that "your chaplin" is a "real" minister you spawn of Satan.
Pasture Bill,
You really must be a Klinkerman knucklehead. You can't even spell CHAPLAIN right! I know what you are trying to do with that "G-d" thing. You are trying to act like a Jew who is very careful to not write God's Name or even to try to pronounce it, so that he doesn't accidentally take God's Name in vain.
Kling-O-man's vain use of the Name of Jesus to try to cover up his own failure as a Navy chaplain (notice the correct spelling) is very, very offensive and totally wrong. It is hard for me to believe that so many evangelical Christians could be so easily duped by a charlatan like Kinnnersmith. It makes you wonder how mature they really are as believers....
This is just another example of persecuting real Christians who stand up for their faith and G-d. You sound like one of those anti-sammites who hate the Jews. I've read about people like you on Christian TV and on the internet, you just want to see this country destroyed by unbelief. You show your despisation of Christians by the way you talk about believing evangelicals. I will encourage my congregation to bombard you people until you shut up. When the Rapture comes soon when Osama delivers Israel into the hands of Gog and Magog like the Bible teaches and you get left behind, you'll get yours. G-d will not be moocked.
Mr. Bill,
Your last post was so dumb that all I can say is "Keep this Crazy Train rolling!"
You are definitely the poster child for all that is wrong with the evangelical world--hatefulness, intolerance, ignorance, and so on. Tell me, Mr. Bill, how often to you guys make Kool Aid at your church? It sure seems to me like you have been drinking from Jim Jones' pitcher (notice correct spelling AND correct use of the word!) of "Kool Aid."
Pastor Bill
Thanks for your courageous stand against these servants of evil. God bless you!
This is too rich! Klingenschmitt is now talking about Obama leading us to Armageddon. I thought that Bush had already gotten us there.
Is GK still alive? I can't believe this blog is still active... Wow! After a long day of ministry in the Marine Corps this really makes me smile...
Man, this Klingerman is still up to his usual stupidity. Now, he is praying for God to kill people who disagree with him! What a NUTCASE!
I thought for sure that the Kling-O would have self-destructed by now. I wonder what his wife thinks of all his foolishness. I feel sorry for her. I am sure that everyone, except Gordon K, feels sorry for her. I could never dream of putting my sweet, wife through this manufactured hell that Klink-nutz has put her through. What a shame and what a waste.
I have listened to G. Klinnershcmuck on his pro-"look at how wonderful I am" sites. He sounds like a very intelligent man. It is too bad that he isn't intelligent enough to realize just how stupid his cause is. I feel sorry for G. K. as well as his wife. We can only hope that GordKling will somehow pull out of his self-destructive tail spin.
I better watch out, Klingknutzschmuck might just have one of those "death-prayers" saved up for me. At least, I have never been court martialed! I am still serving honorably and have gone to war a few times. Gordon, how many times did you go to combat for your country? Oh, wait. Your specialty is to go to combat against the Navy and your country! How could I have forgotten?
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